
My letter to Dr McAree


Dr McAree

Charleston Centre


Dr McAree

Thank you for the interview on Friday and for the invitation to see you again on Tuesday. I have cancelled it because I wish to discuss the matter with my GP first. We had established that you believe I am suffering from anxiety and that low doses of an anti psychotic drug would be beneficial. I expressed the opinion that I wanted to do relaxation class or other stress management regime as I had before and didn't believe I required medication. I repeated that a number of times.

I told you that I had researched anti psychotics and their use as mood stabilisers and as a result was sceptical about their efficacy and wary of side effects and consequently reluctant to take them. I think the best way forward is for you to tell me the following by letter.

The condition you believe you believe I have, the observed symptoms and the severity, the name of the medication, the dosage and the frequency of ingestion. What are the side effects of this medication and what are the possible withdrawal symptom ? How often would assessments (interviews) take place ? What, in your judgement would be the consequences of not taking the medication ?

Do not contact me in any way apart from by letter. I had an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday at 11:30 and will be seeing her regularly. I showed her this letter .

Send the return letter to me. If I don't see the letter myself, I will not agree to be treated.

